Lunenburg Shopping Lunenburg Ocean Adventures 902-634-4833

Lunenburg Ocean Adventures 902-634-4833

Store front for Lunenburg Ocean Adventures

Lunenburg Ocean Adventures
Bluenose Dr.
Lunenburg, NS

Tel: 902-634-4833

Fax:    902-634-3195

Fishing Charters, Lobster Lunches, Snorkelling, Dive Charters, Shark Fishing Charters.

Main Category: Sports & Outdoor

Other Categories: Entertainment

Opening Hours: No Opening Hours Supplied

Other suppliers in the category: Sports & Outdoor
     Bluenose Golf Club
     Lunenburg Heritage Fishing Tours
     Lunenburg Paddling Adventours and Rentals
     Lunenburg Seaport
     Lunenburg Whale Watching
     Pleasant Paddling Kayak Tours
     Rhumbline Bike Shop
     South Shore Surf & Skateboard Shop
     Star Charters

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