Lunenburg Shopping Dad's Ice Cream 902-634-3595

Dad's Ice Cream 902-634-3595

Store front for Dad's Ice Cream

Dad's Ice Cream
229 Lincoln St
Lunenburg, NS B0J 2C0

Tel: 902-634-3595

Main Category: Food/Drink

Opening Hours
Mon - Sat 10am - 5pm
Sun 11am - 5pm

Other suppliers in the category: Food/Drink
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     Dory Mates Seafood Shop
     Independent Supermarket
     Ironworks Distillery
     Lamprai & Spice
     Laughing Whale Coffee Roasters
     Lunenburg Fish
     Lunenburg Farmers Market
     Mikiz Pitt Stop, Chill & Grill
     NSLC Liquor Store
     The Seaberry Kitchen & Health Market
     Shipwright Brewing Company
     Sweet Treasures Confectionery

Are you the owner or manager of Dad's Ice Cream? Is Food/Drink the correct main category for this listing? Do you have more detailed information that would enhance this free listing? If so, please send details to the webmaster